Any person and every family is important to material well-being.
Money amulet intended to bring wealth success to the house and help in a difficult financial situation.
How to spend money to work with talismans
Charms to attract money with the power to positively affect its owner, tuning the energy of the wave.
As a talisman to buy can make or your hands, but most importantly-it is your belief that that you between the Object of desire.
If you don't believe in his ability, then no magic paid.
With the right approach, the talisman's abilities:
- attract money;
- set, if to get wealth;
- to create a favorable monetary wealth rooms:
- to protect from theft;
- to protect the owner from unnecessary costs;
- to help you find a new source of income.
How to make a money talisman for himself
Of course, the best effect will always be the mascot created with their own hands.
They can be worn or put in a purse. Process to produce a talisman, the man fills it with energy and his aura, so it is important to create such an amulet positive thoughts.
There are many varieties of amulets wealth, so that everyone can pick up on your taste and color.
IMPORTANT! Better for everyone not to tell me about the amulet, otherwise it can devalue its strength or to attract the evil eye.
Horde amulet

According to the legend, during the Golden Horde of Genghis Khan received the gift coins one of the leader of the nomadic tribes.
It possesses incredible strength and power in your Coffers Khan treasures, and felt that there was no limit.
But when a Fund manager has lost a valuable coin, and the magic of the enrichment is lost: the Russian princes refused to pay the Mongols tribute and rebellion.
Horde amulet attracts wealth protection and destruction.
The amulet you need To make this:
- coins home / business metal (preferably an antique);
- a wire or other lead.
The method of preparation is very simple: men need to wrap the coin in the wire crosswise, and the amulet is ready.
It should not be seen: the hidden magical amulet under his clothes.
Find coin
The strong effect of different purse Seine mascots, for example, to find the coin.
If you have found a way of coins, it is also possible to make money amulet, which carries a purse is the perfect.
But if you find a coin at the junction, then turn it to a magical artifact is impossible.
This is due to the fact that the coins of different rituals to get rid of all kinds of ailments, charmed the money and throw the junction.
Coins energy Removed from the previous owner and turn it to the amulet, it is necessary to perform the following ritual:
- at midnight, the growing phase of the moon, a man must light a candle (better to do it in the night from Wednesday to Thursday);
- seven times to talk about the coin by saying: "Coin talk, to attract good luck your own. The rest of the way to find a and it me he came. Are the words are powerful, return to the faith so strengthened".
- wait for the candle to finish burning
- the amulet is ready – that the apple phone with the now loaded to carry coins in your wallet.
Decorative mouse

This is the second Dragnet-the amulet decorative mouse. During our Slavic ancestors-the mouse has been a symbol of wealth and abundance.
He has the Same value in China, but the meeting with rat, mouse, or the characters were once considered.
So you can put this mouse in your wallet, where it attracts revenue.
Hard to kill a mouse owner to save on unnecessary spending theft in ny, and it is accompanied by success.
To make money mouse of stone, wood or metal.
Download amulet say the following words: "Mouse, check, money go".
The charm of the dollar
Change the mascot of the purse is the coin for nothing, but the paper bill.
It is believed, has been described that the Us dollar bill Masonic triangle is the feature to attract money.
In order to talk to bill, do the following:
- put a dollar portrait of Washington, top;
- fold it in half to emphasize the line of the banknote;
- in the upper left corner of the bend so that the location of the touching line;
- the same is done with the left area, so he joined the upper;
- on the right side of the banknote bend obliquely so that the pyramid remained at the top;
- fill the rest of the form inside the resulting triangle.
- talisman is ready, it will keep in your wallet.
Imperial talisman
Imperial amulet has an interesting history. When he was made a monk of Peter I young, who became Emperor in vain.
The entire night working on the creation of the object of the monks, took the Imperial coins of the prayers.
At dawn, Tyo kun was ready, downloaded the prayer power of the amulet was presented to Peter I, the monk, and then said to the Emperor: "from this Day on, the man will be invincible, happiness will not leave you, and wealth will never end! God be with you, Lord!".
Each of the Novels Since then was similar to wearing the amulet.
Imperial amulet possess the properties:
- to recover the funds from the debtor;
- contribute to business success;
- to ensure its high status of the owner;
How to make Imperial talisman:
- prepare coins, candles in the red and the fabric is made of natural fabrics;
- in the full moon light the candle and take coin;
- eyes closed, thought to attract wealth and put a coin on the cloth;
- leave overnight in the moonlight on the window sill below;
- the next night, lay a bundle of cloth and a coin under the pillow.
- the amulet is ready, you can use it now.
ATTENTION! Use the money amulet, you can carry a poi it, and, still more, to touch other people.
Spoon Zagrebacka
Another amulet to attract money – spoon-Zagrebacka. He rakes the money in the wallet of his master.
Our father believed, spoon, symbol, and abundance of wealth. This is Best suited amulet spoons silver, silver because since ancient times served as protection from damage and the evil eye of man and the release of negative situations.
Use a spoon in your wallet or need in a separate pocket. Give a spoonful of features to attract prosperity a man must say the plot: "a Spoon is a purse to live, money for her Mani, I can be your friend, good luck in life and wealth."
This needs to be the mascot of the regular cleaning. Several times a year I perform this ritual:
- pour a glass of water, spring, or better the Holy;
- add a pinch of salt;
- put a spoon of water and leave overnight;
- the next morning, rinse the amulet of flowing water.
Cash key
A good mascot to attract money is the cash key.
Amulet to Create this man must:
- buy a new lock and key;
- to remove bought the place where money is stored;
- the next morning, get the key and put in a purse, lock and leave in place.
How to make money with homemade amulet
In addition to personal use, you can control the energy of the talisman to attract money, or the house in vain to keep it there.
And As for underwear purse-Seine, home, money mascot better to do with their hands.
We will tell, talismans of what can be used to create the house rooms material well-being.
The miracle bag
Our Slavic ancestors bags attached to the belt storage savings.
In addition, to attract wealth, he created the dolls, which was similar to the bag.
Describe the process to create this wonderful bag:
- men need to take the red fabric and sew a small bag;
- to put it in the coins of different denominations of a penny to the ruble;
- inside the drip 1-2 drops of eucalyptus have the bag of oil and up;
- road poi wool and leave in a safe place.
HELP! Sometimes you can add it to get the ward cash energy
Encrypted bill
This individual amulet, a personal bill, one owner, preserved in a secret corner of the house.
To make a talisman, the man must pick up the bill with numbers that are completely or partially fill your date of birth.
To create it a man must:
- take into account the quite large value;
- drip it with oil of bergamot roll a little and the tube;
- wrap and green tie wire triple knot;
- put inside the dried sprig of sage;
- seal bill wax green candles;
- to remove the talisman in a remote area in the house.
Charms the art of Feng Shui
Amulets Chinese techniques of Feng Shui prevalent.
They are very different: animals, people, plants, and the goal is to attract all kinds of positive aspects.
Mascots get to its wearer luck, good health, attracting, and love and life extended.
Of course, Chinese wise men have created and money and the amulets talismans. About what Here you can buy or make it.
Threelegged toad

These animals live in china in the rice fields very much, and he are deeply respected.
Because toad is the material symbol for prosperity and welfare.
This is due to the fact that the Chinese legend, which is important gone, that the worst state of the three-legged toad, worked as a unnecessary evil.
But not age, that he had done atrocities – it was a chance to tame the Buddha, to punish and always and everywhere to help people.
Now his toad to redeem the sins spewing from the mouth of gold coins. And there was a talisman of wealth – toad, holding in his mouth the coin.
When you buy a money toad need to consider several factors:
- point well this mascot inflammation of the kidneys;
- it should be gold plated;
- the coin in the mouth of the animal can be removed and put signs up;
- the eye toad should be red;
- behind the amulet is decorated with a constellation.
There are also some rules to use the mascot;
- man need to activate to put a toad in an aquarium, or at least sprayed with water.
- place it in front of the door, his back to her;
- this is the amulet afraid of heights, so it is not necessary to clean it on a high shelf.
Braided bracelet
A very handy amulet money is the bracelet, which is made with their own hands.
You can do it man need to:
- or take the threads of the wires green, red and home / business, showing, wealth, health and love, respectively.
- bracelet man filled the weave phase of the full moon;
- during the weaving think about your desires;
- ready, you can now use the lace arm or leg.
Hotel – character Japanese mythology, the God of wealth, prosperity and fun.
It is placed in the house, Who take advantage of the power of song, and bring money into the house.
Well, the amulet which does not matter, choose to your taste.
Character Hotel it is better to place them closer to the entrance, and her stroke his belly every time you leave the house.

Stones, to attract wealth and good luck
The stones, which is configured to attract money, you can take with you, jewelry and make. It rocks what this feature is magical.
- provide owner with a fixed income;
- get one of age and gender;
- establish the owner's leadership;
- given its popularity and reputation;
- fill you up and give you the power to track, according to energy;
- to help you choose the right path.
- must be protected from poverty, save or;
- give the required amount;
- strengthens the immune system and help to fight diseases;
- help pregnant women can give birth to a healthy baby.
- give the house owner the luxury;
- protection from atrocities;
- give the owner power and bring good luck.
ATTENTION! To improve the effect of stone, consider wrapping the gold.
How to make charms from plants
Plants have many features, that can bring people to life a lot of positive qualities.
Amulet man have to Create to put the assembly of the herbs that you can choose, bag.
Different plants have different properties:
- dill represents the passion and well-being, helps the owner achieve success;
- cloves attracts a nice profit;
- thyme attracts money, it is used in cooking;
- Basil will come and protect the house from disaster to attract love and good luck;
- ginger helps in the fight against evil spirits;
- chamomile to give money in the hands of a close person;
- verbena will help to combat the insomnia and strengthens the immune system;
- large peony flowers attracts wealth;
- Orchid contribute to rise the corporate ladder;
- oats help firm Things.
Slavic charm plants
We will tell you the power of the Slavic states talisman cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus and pine needles.
You can do it man need to:
- cook cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus and pine branches;
- mix of plants and, together with pound in a mortar;
- put the mixture in the bag;
- the road to the green wire and place it in a prominent place.
Talisman black pepper
This is the talisman once used, and to promote prosperous trade or luck to win.
Rite of passage man must:
- for the preparation of a white sheet of paper, a tall glass vessel and black pepper;
- the full moon wait and leave the ship in the moonlight;
- the next morning, write on a piece of money, the amount that you need;
- roll a tube of paper and place in a container, sprinkle with pepper on top;
- shake the jar and cover him in the dark.
The activation of charms
If you already have a money amulet, the man will need to activate it otherwise it's just an ordinary decoration.
- take a piece of fabric red color better than natural and wrap the talisman;
- expect a night of the growing moon, and put it under the window into the moonlight.
How to choose a wallet, which had money in energy
There are several factors that will help your wallet a magnet to attract money.
You can't buy junk with it, but to make a purse with his hands.
It is important to take into account:
- purse very should not be worn and new;
- does not fit in a small purse size – the money should it be able to slide;
- colors are suitable for silver, white, gold, home / business, or red brown;
- to maintain the coins and banknotes are eri-better departments.
HELP! You can open a wallet on the street, the growing phase of the moon. It is believed that a new moon brings wealth.
I hope you have learned things of what I wanted the money talismans.